Welcome to the Immanuel Church



New website: immanuelchurchjaffa.com

We are a Church for all nations. Together we try to find answers to our questions about life and God, and we help each other in the struggles of daily life. Our mission is to see more people getting to know Jesus and that people in our region will encounter and experience the goodness of God. You are welcome to Immanuel Church, no matter your faith, background and nationality.

We are also a Lutheran Church that recognizes that we stand on the foundation of Judaism and the Jewish People. You will notice this immediately upon entering our church building and you see in our stained-glass windows the crown of thorns worn by Jesus at His crucifixion in the shape of the Star of David. Also, in our stained-glass windows is a Menorah and another Menorah on our altar that we light and use during worship services. And finally, the Hebrew translation of John 3:16 on the wall behind the altar.

We invite you to join our church located in Tel Aviv, neighboring the old city in Jaffa.
You are welcome to come, observe and ask questions. We would be delighted to have you here!



Visit the Church

  • Open Church is available for visitors
  • Open church will operate on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday each week from 10:00 to 14:00.

Worship Service

  • Shabbat Worship at 11.00:  Hebrew/English service.
  • Children’s church during the service
    Bar Hoffman St. 15, Tel Aviv-Yafo

Bible study group

Tuesdays in the Congregation House, 2.floor. Starts at 19.00 (7 pm)
Bar Hoffman st.9, Tel Aviv-Yafo.



  • You can find a presentation of the organ by Juan Onasiss, Immanuel’s former organist, HERE.